Every day in the Principality of Monaco on the Palace Square there is a formal changing of the guard ceremony at 11:55. With the current train schedule it was going to be tight, but we were going to give it our best “Amazing Race” try to be there for the ceremony. The train ride from Nice to Monaco is very short, and we were lucky enough to get a seat with a view.
The track runs parallel to the sea and affords some amazing sights along the way.
The train station in Monaco is built underground deep below the mountain which serves as Monaco’s northern border. As one can imagine property above ground is a very valuable commodity. Mainly because there is so little of it.
As one exits on the harbor side of the train station, they find themselves in front of the church of Sainte Dévote the patron saint of Monaco and Corsica. This chapel can trace its history back to 1070 and is closely tied to the House of Grimaldi the ruling family of Monaco. This is the small chapel where Princess Grace and the current Princess, Charlène de Monaco, visited following exchanging vows. They both left their bridal bouquet at the feet of the statue of Sainte Dévote.
After assessing the map in front of the station, we quickly determined where we needed to go to watch the changing of the guard.
The reality of two things jumped off the map: a) we must really hustle to make the event, b) it is an uphill walk! Moving at a swift pace we headed to the palace. However, there was so much to see! As we climbed, it was hard not to stop and snap a few shots of the harbor and the skyline of the city.
Not far from the crest of the plateau where the palace sits there was a statue of Prince Rainier III with a smile on his face. It was like he was laughing at the four of us saying, "nice try, but you will not make it in time." We lowered our heads and picked up the pace for the home stretch. We reached the palace square to realize that we did catch the end of the changing of the guard. In fact, the very end of the ceremony!
These three soldiers marched out of the square and that concluded the event. They left one guard standing his post in front of the castle, as the crowd dispersed in all directions. Oh well, we had smiles on our faces, and we gave it a good 60 something effort.
We wandered around the palace grounds and were taking in a beautiful day, when we heard a familiar voice. It was Mathilde! She was giving a tour of Monaco for a couple and our paths just happened to cross. We caught up quickly on the happenings of the week and said au revoir. Yep, the world is a small place.
Trying to avoid the ever-growing crowd, we left the square headed to the church. It was only a few blocks away. Like so many churches in Europe, the size and beauty of these edifices are something to behold.

Around the outside of the altar, the royalty of Monaco is entombed in the floor. It is a history lesson of the Grimaldi family as one walks the perimeter the altar and encounters the final resting place of Rainier III and his American wife, Grace.
Realizing the day was getting away from us and we had yet to eat lunch, more importantly a hydrate break was needed. We sat at a street bistro and enjoyed a wonderful pizza and hydrated.
There is something about nice looking young ladies and big beers on the Riviera.
As Isaac Newton once said, “What goes up must come down”. The down is much harder on Janet’s knee than up, so it was a slow enjoyable pace with lots of stops as we headed to the port. It was at one of these stops it became extremely obvious of where we were headed.
Anyone who knows Janet knows that light blue rectangles full of chlorinated water attracts her. Our pace picked up as we hit the flatlands of the harbor. Albeit we did stop for a race car picture.
The harbor area was a buzz with trucks, forklifts, and workman. It was hard to tell what was going on until we saw the sign.
Now we have been to the Annapolis boat show many times back in the US, but I can only imagine what boats would be on display at the Monaco Yacht Show. One thing for sure… they would all be out of our price range.
Leaving Monaco, we boarded the train for the short ride to Villefranche-sur-Mer. I am not sure what would be more difficult on daily basis; finding a parking spot or getting a seat on public transportation in France. The train stop in Villefranche is right on the beach.
Exiting the train, we could see why Monaco had become so crowded. Two cruise ships sat in the bay as their tenders were going back and forth loading passengers for the next stop on their itinerary.
We walked from one end to the other end of this enchanting village. The colors, the smell of the sea, and narrow streets made us realize that we were in a very special place.
The day was coming to an end, so we headed back towards the train platform. However, the ladies decided they needed a few minutes on the beach.
What a great way to wind down a wonderful day. Unfortunately, the time had come to board the train once again and head back to Nice.
Returning to the city, we walked to where our trip had begun, the Promenade des Anglais. Finding a restaurant with a view of the city we watched the sun set as our trip came to an end.
In the morning we boarded the big steel bird to return home. Walking out to board the plane we could see Nice in the distance. This had been a special week with special friends.
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